User Awareness

The user of systems, applications and data is an increasingly important part of a successful attack. In most cases without being aware of it. To increase the awareness of internal and external employees, we regularly carry out user awareness campaigns. The aim of this is to achieve a structural change in behavior based on awareness. Here, motivation, current knowledge and culture form an important foundation.
Woman holding tablet

User Awareness Diensten

Awareness Assessment

Om organisaties inzicht te geven te geven in de security awareness van de medewerkers hebben wij een assessment ontwikkelt. Hierbij meten wij de initiële motivatie en het kennisniveau van de medewerker populatie en voeren we een éénmalige phishing campagne uit. Op basis van de resultaten en de specifieke kenmerken van de organisatie wordt er een Awareness programma samengesteld.

Safe, aware game

Om medewerkers op een speelse manier bewust te laten worden van de schakel die zij kunnen zijn in een mogelijke aanval hebben wij een game ontwikkelt. Doel van de game is om in drie stappen van kennis naar bewustwording naar blijvende gedragsverandering te gaan. Het continue trainen van je medewerker populatie is daarbij essentieel, niet voor niets wordt deze ook de nieuwe security perimeter van je organisatie genoemd.

Safe, aware dashboard

In order to provide management with the right steering information so that the focus can be focused on specific departments, teams or other cross-sections of the organization, we have developed a dashboard. As an organization, the Dashboard gives you insight into which parts or individual employees require extra attention.

Phishing integration

To regularly validate whether awareness has changed the behavior of employees, we carry out phishing campaigns. Sometimes focused on the entire employee population, sometimes on a few of them. Because we have integrated the phishing campaigns with the game, anyone who does not recognize a phishing campaign will immediately be asked to play a number of phishing modules.


The Awareness program includes workshops in which we take the time to show, for example, how easy an attack can be carried out, or how manipulative social engineering can be used. The aim of this is to see up close how an attack can be carried out and how easily you can be an unintended link in it.

Content creation

Because each organization is unique, we develop specific content for the Awareness program. A healthcare organization has different characteristics and challenges than a waste processor or financial institution. In order to develop this content, we have a content creation team that, together with the organization, highlights the specific use cases.

Digital resilience for students

More and more young people are dealing with the dangers of social media. In order to use our knowledge in a playful way for 7th and 8th groups, we have developed a program for primary schools. In order to have a social impact, we invite our customers to sponsor schools therein and jointly contribute to a safer world for young people.

Content Creation

In order to permanently achieve a behavioral change, we have a team of advisors who temporarily become part of your organization to initiate the change from within. Recognizing behavior, making others aware of it and initiating permanent behavioral change is human work that must be started from within an organization. This makes it a specific discipline within security consultancy.

Digitale Weerbaarheid voor Scholieren

Steeds meer jonge mensen hebben te maken met de gevaren die sociale media met zich meebrengen. Om onze kennis op een speelse manier in te zetten voor 7de en 8ste groepers hebben we een programma ontwikkelt voor lagere scholen. Om maatschappelijke impact te hebben nodigen we onze klanten uit om scholen daarin te sponseren en gezamenlijk bij te dragen aan een veiliger wereld voor jongeren.


Om een gedragsverandering blijvend te realiseren hebben wij een team van adviseurs welke tijdelijk onderdeel worden van je organisatie om van binnen uit de verandering te initiëren. Gedrag herkennen, anderen daarvan bewust maken en blijvende gedragsverandering initiëren is mensenwerk wat van binnen uit een organisatie moet worden gestart. Dit maakt het een specifieke discipline binnen security consultancy.


Improve your security position with our services

The basis of our services starts with Interest and Deepening in your organization. This is the only way your organization can be properly protected.

Cyber Blue

Monitor critical assets against external and internal attacks 24/7 with knowledge of business processes and attack strategies.

Cyber Red

Validate security measures regularly with penetration tests based on Black box, Grey box and Crystal box methodologies.


Manage the digital identities and access levels of employees, partners, and suppliers, minimize risks and promote productivity.


Manage your security position based on risks, standards and measures. Advise on regulations and internal and external audits.

Network Security

Monitor network traffic for anomalous patterns, detect and neutralize attacks, and regulate network access to reduce the risk of unauthorized access.