Network Security

The network is often where attacks occur. By monitoring network traffic for anomalous patterns, an attack can be detected early and neutralized. The network provides access to systems and data. By regulating network access, this risk is significantly reduced.
Woman holding tablet

Network Security Services


SASE Service is an integration of WAN connectivity with extensive security controls based on a global private backbone. Cato Networks delivers this through a service model that enables organizations to enforce the same security measures for every location. This way, public cloud, SaaS services, data center, HQ, branches, and remote users are connected quickly and securely.

Product: Cato Networks


Network Access Control provides access to specific segments of an organization's network based on specific user characteristics. This way, users are grouped at the network layer, further controlling access to applications and data.

Product: Clearpass, Extreme NAC


Today's Next Generation firewall can do much more than just stateful packet filtering. To effectively deploy all these functionalities as part of an organization's various security controls, we have developed a service model.

Product: Fortigate, Azure


A Web Application Firewall protects web applications and APIs against OWASP top 10 threats, DDoS, and BOT attacks. To effectively deploy this functionality as part of an organization's various security controls, we have developed a service model.

Product: Fortiweb, Azure


Our foundation is built on providing sound and independent advice. It's crucial that we maintain our autonomy, remain curious and eager to learn about the client's business processes, and maintain transparent communication with the client.

Want to know more about our Network Security services? Contact Paolo Carra, or Senior Consultant in Network Security.


Improve Your Security Posture with Our Services

The foundation of our service begins with interest and deep understanding of your organization. This is the only way your organization can be properly protected.

Cyber Blue

Monitor critical business assets 24/7 against external and internal attacks with knowledge of business processes and attack strategies.

Cyber Red

Regularly validate security measures with penetration tests based on Black box, Grey box, and Crystal box methodologies.


Manage digital identities and access levels of employees, partners, and suppliers, minimize risks, and promote productivity.

User Awareness

Increase employee awareness through regular education campaigns resulting in lasting behavioral change.


Manage your security posture based on risks, standards, and measures. Advise on regulations and internal and external audits.